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language school109

The old gentleman at the tea-table Besides this, as I have said, he could have counted off most of the successive oweners and occupants, several of whom were known to general fame; doing so, however, with an undemonstrative conviction that the latest phase of its destiny was not the least honourable. The front of the house, overlooking that portion of the lawn with which we are concerened, was not the entrance-front; this was in .. 2013. 6. 17.
The portrait of a lady He disposed of its contents with much circumspection, holding it for a long time close to his chin, with his face turned to the house. His companions had either finished their tea or were indifferent to their priviledge; they smoked cigarettes as they continued to stroll. One of them, from time to time, as he passed , looked with a certain attention at the elder man, who unconscious of observati.. 2013. 6. 11.
The portrait of a lady Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. There are circumstances in which, weather you partake of the tea or not- some people of course never do- the situation is in itself delightful. Those that I have in begining to unfold this simple history offered an admirable setting to un innocent pastime. The im.. 2013. 6. 4.
대명사의 종류 대명사는 불필요한 반복을 피하기 위해 쓰는 것. 인칭 대명사는? 주격(~은, 는, 이가) 주어(동사앞) 소유격(~의) 형용사(명사앞) 목적격(~을,를, ~에게) 목적어(동사와 전치사 다음) 소유대명사(~의 것) 주,목,보어 자리. 다른 명사랑 사용할 수 없음) 재귀대명사(~자신) 목적어. 부사 1인칭 단수 I MY ME MINE MYSELF 1인칭 복수 WE OUR US OURS OURSELF 2인칭 단수 YOU YOUR YOU YOURS YOURSELF 2인칭 복수 YOU YOUR YOU YOURS YOURSELVES 단복수가능 3인칭 단수 남성 HE HIS HIM HIS HIMSELF 여성 SHE HER HER HERS HERSELF 사물 IT ITS IT - ITSELF 3인칭 복수 THEY THE.. 2013. 4. 20.
일본어 발음 공부 일본어를 공부하기 시작하면서 이제 겨우 히라가나 가타가나를 외운 후 다음 단계를 보니 발음에 관한 것. 1,모음 あ,い,う,え,お (아,이,우,에,오) あい:사랑 うえ:위에 2,반모음 や、ゆ、よ(야,유,요) やま:산 3,자음: 모음과 반모음을 제외한 음절. 4,발음 ん (n) ん의 영향을 받아 ㄴ,ㅁ,ㅇ 으로 들리는 현상 か,が 행이 ん으로 끝날 때 o さ,ざ, た,だ,な,ら 행으로 끝날때 ㄴ ま,ば,ぱ 행으로 끝날 때 ㅁ あ,や ,わ,は 행으로 끝날 때 ㄴ과 ㅇ의 중간음 5,탁음- 가나에 탁점 ゛(니고리)가 붙은 글자로 성대를 울려서 내는 소리를 의미함. 6,반탁음은 반탁점 ゜ (마루)가 붙은 글자로 は행에 붙는다. 파 .피.푸.페..포 7,요음,き,し,ち,に,ひ,み,り,ぎ,じ,び,ぴ 옆에 ゃ,ゅ,ょ를.. 2013. 2. 14.