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language school/영어

브리짓 존스의 일기 필사

by roo9 2016. 4. 25.

'Sorry. I got lost.'

'Lost? Durr! What art you going to do with you? Come on in.'

 She led me through the frosted-glass doors into the lounge, shouting, 'She got lost, everyone!'

'Bridget! Happy New Year!' said Geoffrey Alconbury, clad in a yellow diamond-patterned sweater. He did a jokey Bruce Forsyth step then gave me the sort of hug which Boots would send straight to the police station.

 'Hahumph,' he said, doing red in the face and pulling his trousers up by the waistband.

 'Which junction did you come off at?'


   (junction:결합, 접합, 연결, 합체)


''Junction nineteen,  but there was a diversion...'


(diversion:빗나가게 하기, 주의를 딴 데로 돌리기, 전환)


 ''Junction nineteen! Una, she came off at Junction nineteen! You've added an hour to your journey before you even started. Come on, let's get your drink. How's your love-life, anyway?


 Oh! God, Why can't married people understand that this is no longer a polite question to ask? We wouldn't rush up to them and roar, 'How's your marriage going? Still having sex?' Everyone knows that dating in your thirties is not the happy-go-lucky free-for -all it was when you were twenty-two and that the honest answer is more likely to be, 'Actually, last night my married lover appeared wearing suspenders and a darling  little Angora crop-top, told me he was gay/a sex addict/ a narcotic addict/ a commitment phobic and beat me up with a dildo,' than 'Super, thanks.'


 Not being a natural liar, I ended up mumbling shamefacedly to Geoffrey, 'Fine,' at which point he boomed, 'So you still haven't got a feller!'

 'Bridget! What are we going to do with you!' said Una.

 'You career girls! I don't know! Can't put it up for ever, you know. Tick-tock-tick-tock.'


'Yes. How does a woman manage to get to your age without being married?' roared Brian Enderby9married to Mavis, used to be president of the Rotary in KETTERING) waving his sherry in the air. Fortunately my dad rescued me.


 'I'm very pleased to see you, Bridget,' he said, taking my arm. 'Your mother has the entire Northamptonshire constabulary poised to comb the county with toothbrushes for your dismembered remains. Come and demonstrate your presence so I can start enjoying myself. How's the be-wheeled suitcase?'


'Big beyond all sense. How art the ear-hair clippers?'

'Oh, marvellously you know clippy.'


It was all right, I suppose. I would have felt a bit mean if I hadn't turned up, but Mark Darcy... Yuk. Every time my mother's rung up for weeks it's been, 'Of course you remember the Darcys, darling. They came over when we were living in Buckingham and you and Mark played in the padding pool!' or, 'oh! Did I mention Malcolm and Elaine are bringing Mark with them to Una's New Year's Day Turkey Curry Buffet? He's just back from America, appearently. Divorced. He's looking for a house in Holland Park. Apparently he had the most terrible time with his wife. Japanese. Very cruel race.'


 Then next time, as if out of the blue, 'Do you remember Mark Darcy over the turkey curry. won't you? He's very rich.'




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