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영자 신문의 특징

by roo9 2014. 3. 6.




영자 신문의 특징


영자 신문 공부의 특징

-짧은 내용: 짧으면서도 완벽한 이야기를 만들어 냄

-중요한 용어 및 표현의 집약: 특정 주제에 관한 용어 및 표현법 공부 기능

-한글 기사 참고 가능: 유사한 내용의 국내 신문 기사 참조 가능

-영자신문의 헤드라인과 리드 문장:Headline, Lead: 전체적인 내용 요약


영자 신문의 구조

1. 역피라미드 형식

-Incert Pyramid: 첫 문장에 전체 내용 요약

2. 5w1h:who, what, when, where, why, how

3. 리드 문장에 다 담겨 있음.


1-3  헤드라인- 동사의 시제

1. 동사의 시제가 현재일 경우-지난 하루 사이에 일어난 사건

예)south Korea's Kim Wins SHORT program at~


2. 동사의 시제가 과거일 경우- 동사 생략된 be+ 과거분사는 수동형으로 해석

예) 13 dead, 45 injuredin fire injured는 are injured.


3.동사가 없거나 수동형일 경우: be동사를 추가해 해석

예)jobless rate at a 30- year low= jobless rate is at a 30- year now


4. 관사의 생략- 의미전달에 지장이 없을 경우 전치사나 관사 등이 생략됨.

예) presidents of two koreas agree to meet

-the presidents of the two koreas agree


5. 콜론 : 은 say를 대신


6. and 대신 쉼표 사용.


7. 짧고 간결하면서 특수한 의미 지님- 간결하면서도 많은 내용을 담아야 하기 때문

예) 배제하다. 축출하다

prohibit, exclude = ban, bar 등으로.



참고 자료

1.뉴욕 타임즈 2000년 5월 5일자

2. 힐러리 클린턴( 1947년 10월 26일생): 여성 정치인. 현직 미 국무부 장관.


mrs. clinton attacks bush on his proposal to cut taxe

-by julian e.


헤드라인 밑에 이름을 byline


`attacks: 동사의 시제가 현재형



리드 문장 분석




Mrs. Clinton Attacks Bush on His Proposals to Cut







                                                        byline:(미국) 신문 기사의 표제 밑에 필자 명을 넣는 행






LATTSBURGH,N.Y., May 4- Hillary Rodham Clinton finished her tour through each of the state's 62

                                                                                               tour는 관광 개념이 아닌 선거 유세를 의미.


counties today with a sharp attack on George W.Bush's tax cut proposals, leaving her mostly

                                 신랄한 비판(how)


Republican audience in silence.




The last 10 months of campaign swings and listening tours/have taken Mrs. Clinton from

                                                               청취를 위한 선거유세


the farm of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the retiring senator, in Delaware County, to the


shore of Lake Champlain in, of all places, Clinton County, which she chose as her last






`have taken X from A to B ; x라는 인물을 A 지역으로부터 B지역까지 다니게 했다.


`of all place: 좋은 선택시 뜻밖에도 의미, 나쁜 선택시 하필이면으로 해석.



 In many towns,/ Mrs. Clinton has been treated more as a celebrity and  less as a

                                               어떠한 취급을 받았다.


political candidate. Even Republicans who have no intention of voting for Mrs. Clinton


have come to get a glimps of her.


In outlining her opposition to Mr. Bush's call for a $1.3 trillion tax cut over 10 years,

                                                          요구하다, 로 해석


 Mrs. Clinton said his plan would hurt efforts to win more federal money for New York

                          Mr. Bush          해가되다로 해석                연방정부

because such broad-based tax reductions would deplete the surplus.

                           광범위한 영역                                       고갈시키다          잉여분, 여유분



" I can not support Governor Bush's large across- the- board tax cut," Mrs. Clinton said. " I do not think that's right for New York or our country. The last thing we need right now before we can eliminate some of that deficit with Washington is a large across- the-board tax cut."


Mrs. Clinton's audience had been enthusiastically applauding her speech until she


broached smaller tax cuts than those favored by Mr. Bush, the presumptive Republican

화제를 꺼내다                                                                         ~으로 추정이 되는




presidential candidate. But many in the audience stoped practically in midclap, in

                                                                                                      박수치는 중간에

apparent disagreement.

  반대하는 것처럼 보이다.




Charles Racette, a mortgage originator, said he coumted no fewer than 10 spending plans hidden in Mrs. Clinton's speech. " She said an across-the-board tax cut doesn't make any sense," Mr. Racette said. "Hopefully, we will beat her 54 to 36 in the fall."


Even though the (upstate region of New York )is predominantly Republican territory, (it)

비록 ~하더라도                                                  압도적으로 ~경향이 강하다


is considered potentially critical this year because the Senate race been viewed as an extremely close contest.

                접전. 근소한 차이


Speaking at Clinton Community College, the first lady gave a localized version of her

                                                                                          지역의 특성에 맞게

standard stump speech, pledging to try to improve the border crossing at Champlain 


              기본 연설문         공약하면서


N.Y., and to try to win federal subsidies for natural gas distribution systems, proposals


that were both greeted with sustained applause.



국경 넘어 밀입국 조치 , 천연 가스 분배 시스템은 지속적인 지지를 받았다는...




At a news conference after the sppech, Mrs. Clinton said she recognized that her audience might not be receptive to her views on tax cuts. " I said I know there a lot of Republicans in the audience," she said. ' I am well aware a lot of Republicans are sorting out where they are on this issue, but I want people in the North Country to know I support targeted tax cut."


Mrs. Clinton also tried to drew sharp distinctions between herself and her likely Republican opponent in the Senate race, Mayor Rudoph W. Giuliani.


She criticized Mr. Giuliani for stating at a town hall meeting Wednesday that he would vote for Senator Jesse Helms, Republican of North Carolina, to continue as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Helms's opposition to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and his opposition to United Nation conventions on women's and children's rights had hurt American foreign policy.


"I am hoping that every New Yorker not only heard the mayor say he would vote for Senator Helms to continue as chairman of that critically important committee, but that is something I would not do." she said.











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