반응형 language school/영어73 Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake Roald Dahl Matilda 'How can she get away with it?' Lavender said to Matilda. 'Surely the children go home and tell their mothers and fathers. I know my father would raise aterrifc if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence.' 'No, he wouldn't, ' Matilda said, 'and I'll tell you why. He simply wouldn't believe you.' 'Of course he would.' 'He wo.. 2016. 4. 12. 영자 신문 공부하기 Cheap Mobile Calls Recently, my parents returned from Italy with a few bottles of Chianti and $750 in AT&T calling charges. 전화 비용 Buon giorno! (그저 감탄사. 이태리어로) Chiant:이탈리아의 키안티 지방의 적포도주. AT&T:미국 장거리 전화회사. Racking up exorbitant mobile charges is easy to do if you are not careful about using your cellphone 쌓아올리다. 손실 혹은 수익을 보다 internationally. AT&T charge 99 cents a minute to use your phone in Italy.. 2014. 3. 23. 영자 신문의 특징 영자 신문의 특징 영자 신문 공부의 특징 -짧은 내용: 짧으면서도 완벽한 이야기를 만들어 냄 -중요한 용어 및 표현의 집약: 특정 주제에 관한 용어 및 표현법 공부 기능 -한글 기사 참고 가능: 유사한 내용의 국내 신문 기사 참조 가능 -영자신문의 헤드라인과 리드 문장:Headline, Lead: 전체적인 내용 요약 영자 신문의 구조 1. 역피라미드 형식 -Incert Pyramid: 첫 문장에 전체 내용 요약 2. 5w1h:who, what, when, where, why, how 3. 리드 문장에 다 담겨 있음. 1-3 헤드라인- 동사의 시제 1. 동사의 시제가 현재일 경우-지난 하루 사이에 일어난 사건 예)south Korea's Kim Wins SHORT program at~ 2. 동사의 시제가 .. 2014. 3. 6. fright 214 인종차별 논란 속 영단어. 시카고 선타임즈의 헤드라인이 도마위에 오름. flight를 fright로 l과 r을 바꿔 쓴 것. 이는 아시아인들이 영어의 l발음과 r발음을 제대로 구분하지 못하는 것을 조롱하는 지적이라고. 편집장은 착륙 상황에서의 두려움을 전하고 싶었다고 해명했다고. Fright:놀람, 두려움. 섬뜩한 일. frightening:두려움. flight:여행, 비행, 날기. dark fright란 태국 공포 영화. 비행기 안에서 벌어지는 끔찍한 공포 영화. flight fright 라고 쓸 법도 하다. 비행이 공포로 여겨지는 사람도 있으니... 나름, 편집장의 의도에 부합되었다고 생각함. l과 r발음을 조롱하면서 썼다고 보여기긴 어려움. 왜 논란이 되었는지 모르겠음. 2013. 7. 9. One of these was a remarkably well-made man One of these was a remarkably well-made man of five-and-thirty, with a face as English as that of the old gentleman I have just sketched was something else; a noticeably handsome face, fresh-coloured, fair, and frank, with firm, straight features, a lively grey eye, and the rich adornment of a chestnut beard. This person had a certain fortunate, brilliant exceptional look----the air of a happy t.. 2013. 6. 18. The old gentleman at the tea-table Besides this, as I have said, he could have counted off most of the successive oweners and occupants, several of whom were known to general fame; doing so, however, with an undemonstrative conviction that the latest phase of its destiny was not the least honourable. The front of the house, overlooking that portion of the lawn with which we are concerened, was not the entrance-front; this was in .. 2013. 6. 17. The portrait of a lady He disposed of its contents with much circumspection, holding it for a long time close to his chin, with his face turned to the house. His companions had either finished their tea or were indifferent to their priviledge; they smoked cigarettes as they continued to stroll. One of them, from time to time, as he passed , looked with a certain attention at the elder man, who unconscious of observati.. 2013. 6. 11. The portrait of a lady Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. There are circumstances in which, weather you partake of the tea or not- some people of course never do- the situation is in itself delightful. Those that I have in begining to unfold this simple history offered an admirable setting to un innocent pastime. The im.. 2013. 6. 4. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 다음 반응형